Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not Your Average April...

 The first part of April brought us sunshine, warmth, bubbles and even a ladybug! 

And then it turned into a WINTER WONDERLAND!!!

 It was beautiful outside and some of the snowflakes were the size of my palm- seriously!

 And so we embraced this crazy spring weather and got ready to play...
 And started the makings of The Frosty-Lee  Family...

 A "Frosty Max" was added to the family. Can you see him?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Havin fun!

Gett'n all bundled up!
 The girls LOVE going for wagon rides.
 And Mac loves tagging along for a walk- so many things to smell in this new neighborhood!

Kinda random but I am now wondering if her eyes will ever change to green? Jason and I both have green eyes.  I recently read that it is very rare among men and the rarest of eye colours in general next to violet and albino!  Either way you'd think it would boast good odds of green eye'd children if both parent's are green?  So far they are just BIG and BLUE and I absolutely LOVE them! It doesn't really matter what they do :)
Winter is finally leaving...  The wagon pictures were from the beginning of March, maybe even end of February... So things are a lot nicer these days and green grass is coming up everywhere now!  I can honestly say we had an enjoyable Winter season though, more so than I have in a long time, however we are looking forward to all the fun we can have outside soon; picnics, parks, swimming, bubbles, sand- you name it!

Monday, April 2, 2012


It's way past my bedtime because I have been doing homework for almost the last 3 hours.  Jason came home from school with a ruler and pencil crayons and put me to work!

I'm not going to lie, I DO NOT miss homework.  There were days when I worked downtown that I really missed the atmosphere of school but loved coming home and being "done" for the day. The idea of having to do more assignments and school work when i got home was typically something I loathed. 

So here I am reminiscing on the good ol' days as a student.  The best were when Jason and I discovered we went to the same school, even sat in the same desk for a religion class we had at separate times. One day I sat down and saw that he had wrote, "Hi Fountain!" on the desk.  My roommate at the time would tease me because she knew I was so twitterpated  then (still am!)  Jason and I were always meeting up in the library and usually had Austin or Chris James tagging along with us!  I think I speak for the both of us when I say my grades were at their all time low when Jason and I were dating- haha (not that bad but just not great!)  We just couldn't focus on anything except for when we were going to see each other next.

Fast forward to almost 5 1/5 years later, throw a dog and two kids into the mix and our life is crazy but better than ever!

I had to draw some renderings/ sketches for a group project.  My hand is still cramped up from all the colouring.

I guess sitting at the dining room table tonight and doing school work together really gave me quite the flashback :)