Monday, April 2, 2012


It's way past my bedtime because I have been doing homework for almost the last 3 hours.  Jason came home from school with a ruler and pencil crayons and put me to work!

I'm not going to lie, I DO NOT miss homework.  There were days when I worked downtown that I really missed the atmosphere of school but loved coming home and being "done" for the day. The idea of having to do more assignments and school work when i got home was typically something I loathed. 

So here I am reminiscing on the good ol' days as a student.  The best were when Jason and I discovered we went to the same school, even sat in the same desk for a religion class we had at separate times. One day I sat down and saw that he had wrote, "Hi Fountain!" on the desk.  My roommate at the time would tease me because she knew I was so twitterpated  then (still am!)  Jason and I were always meeting up in the library and usually had Austin or Chris James tagging along with us!  I think I speak for the both of us when I say my grades were at their all time low when Jason and I were dating- haha (not that bad but just not great!)  We just couldn't focus on anything except for when we were going to see each other next.

Fast forward to almost 5 1/5 years later, throw a dog and two kids into the mix and our life is crazy but better than ever!

I had to draw some renderings/ sketches for a group project.  My hand is still cramped up from all the colouring.

I guess sitting at the dining room table tonight and doing school work together really gave me quite the flashback :)


Jenn said...

I totally forgot what an incredible artist you are. You need to take a design certificate or something or free lance drawings..I dunno. Something! Too much talent to not use:)

FalishaSmith said...

Wow those are amazing! i would love to go back to school as well! I admire you for doing it. Hopefully one day I can follow suit.