Thursday, May 25, 2017
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
39 weeks!
Well, here we are-- the final stretch! I can't believe I'm due in a week (give or take). I have never been overdue but hey, I get that it can happen... I'm just hoping to be on time of course!
Since I last blogged life has not slowed down. We got that Oakridge house and Jason has been flat out since. We put the job hunt on a slower pace, or kind of on hold... we just knew if we were to buy a house that needed fixing up, we'd hope to get as much done before the baby arrived.
Oh, how I envy families who live in a house ready and willing to accommodate a growing family. It'd be fun to already be in there and have a bedroom/ nursery set up. As of now I've been organizing and fixing my side of our bedroom for the baby and it'll have to do until we can finally get in our new place. I think we are really going to like it there and I'm excited to have a huge yard that the kids can play in and enjoy.
The girls are loving the warm weather, and to be honest we've had an amazing Spring thus far. I was retaining water from the heat but I don't want to complain because I'm not going to be pregnant through the summer and it's so nice to have the snow gone and be outside more.
Alivia has learned to ride her tricycle we gave her for her birthday She is FAST and can go around the whole block keeping up with Brooklynn and her daddy just fine. She can't reach the peddles yet but has a quick and efficient stride that seems to do the trick. I can't join them unfortunately :( My hips are way to sore and I just try to get by with the things I have to do. I really can't wait for the relief because it is very painful at this point.
Brooklynn has been loving her new scooter and enjoying her training wheels too. She has grown up so much, and they are both really good helpers lately. Jason made them some new reward charts and they work like a gem! They have a variety of goals/ rewards to reach with certain amounts of stickers earned. After they've filled their chart the final reward is a Menchie date! The other morning Liv pointed to the Menchie logo on her chart and started dancing while singing "menchie date, menchie date" It's now evolved to a whole song and dance that they do with Jason and it is so cute.
Jason got to go golfing this morning, first time this year! He went with a good friend, Jared Oler and I guess he shot 90... I look forward to when he can work on his golf game more. I know it means a lot to him because he enjoys it so much. I am sometimes humbled by how hard he works though. He has sacrificed a lot of time and energy the last few years especially. I guess since grad school he hasn't had a lot of time for leisurely things. He did start playing ball again on Tuesdays, and I'm glad he has that outlet, otherwise he is just flat out out with stuff I know he doesn't enjoy the way I'd hope he could.
Even though we are still in Riverbend we did start attending Heritage Ward about a month ago and I LOVE it. I guess they transfered our records a little earlier than expected but it's fine with me. I feel at home in that ward. It's great. Jason is loving it too. Brooklynn is so happy to have Ivy Ausmus as a buddy and Liv is loving nursery there. Everyone is so incredibly friendly!
Well I hope this post has brought things up to speed. I can't wait to post about our little boy who should join us so soon!
Monday, March 11, 2013
2013 Thusfar
Jason and I are eager to see how the stars will align in the next few months. He has been graduated since January and things are really slow right now in the job hunt- we hope something gives soon! It's been nice to see him a little more consistently around the house and I hope I make every second count a little more because when he does find a job I know I will miss him!
We've been successful at attending the temple every month since it opened in November. I love having a temple in Calgary. It gives me hope and strengthens my faith that given the opportunity to go more often allows our lives to feel more directed and blessed. We could use direction and blessing right now like you wouldn't believe!
We are trying to settle on a home. We put an offer on a bi-level in Oakridge and if all goes well we will be starting renos and getting ready to move either before or after this baby arrives. Arrival of baby is expected in 10 weeks :) No pressure right??!!
Otherwise we will hang around a little longer in Riverbend and hope that we can find a job, a different house and most likely move shortly after the baby is born. This option requires a listed house and house showings with a brand new baby... not very appealing if you ask me :(
Jason has continued to be busy around the Hamlet. He had a "problem tenant" last month and was she ever a handful! Let alone her unit was in terrible shape and Jason had to spend a lot of time fixing things and making it "rent-able" again. Now that it's done I'm hoping that things work out with this Oakridge house and if and when he does find a job it will still give him some flexibility to do the necessary work on the house before we move in.
A lot is up in the air I guess and I will hopefully have positive updates soon!
We've been successful at attending the temple every month since it opened in November. I love having a temple in Calgary. It gives me hope and strengthens my faith that given the opportunity to go more often allows our lives to feel more directed and blessed. We could use direction and blessing right now like you wouldn't believe!
We are trying to settle on a home. We put an offer on a bi-level in Oakridge and if all goes well we will be starting renos and getting ready to move either before or after this baby arrives. Arrival of baby is expected in 10 weeks :) No pressure right??!!
Otherwise we will hang around a little longer in Riverbend and hope that we can find a job, a different house and most likely move shortly after the baby is born. This option requires a listed house and house showings with a brand new baby... not very appealing if you ask me :(
Jason has continued to be busy around the Hamlet. He had a "problem tenant" last month and was she ever a handful! Let alone her unit was in terrible shape and Jason had to spend a lot of time fixing things and making it "rent-able" again. Now that it's done I'm hoping that things work out with this Oakridge house and if and when he does find a job it will still give him some flexibility to do the necessary work on the house before we move in.
A lot is up in the air I guess and I will hopefully have positive updates soon!
A Wee Wittle Update on B, A... and the (still nameless) Baby!
It won't be long now and I will be trying to squeeze in some posts to update the world on three children regularly. For now these girls of our's keep us busier than ever and the madness will only peak with a newborn!!
- She is turning 4 next month!
- loves preschool
- is loving tidbits gymnastics
- has been very helpful with completely chores
-makes her bed every morning before leaving her room
- will do anything to get a sticker
- sharing has come a long way
- helps her sister go potty all the time
- has made a lot of good friendships through preschool and gymnastics
- is in Primary!
- always raising her hand to volunteer
- loves singing
- gives the sweetest prayers, at home or church
- loves to wear a princess dress
- enjoys her new salon that Auntie Amanda (Troll) bought her for Christmas and is eager to offer "salon check-ups" to anyone who needs one :)
- wants to be a doctor, policeman and a mommy when she grows up
- has been talking about her birthday for months and months and is slowly but surely narrowing down her ideas
Brooklynn, you're growing so fast, I love you bring inquisitive personality. You are so much fun and so full of life and love. You are a wonderful big sister and I think you will do a stellar job at being a helpful mommy when you get another sibling :)
- approaching 2 1/2 faster than ever-- almost as fast as she moves around the house
- busy, busy, busy
- always has a baby tucked under her arm and a never ending supply of makeshift beds and dish clothes as blankets
- is sweeter, tender and more polite than we knew possible and YET so much SASS when she wants to dish it!
- will be a great BIG sister
- tells me she has a baby boy in her belly named, boy
- loves song after song at bedtime now
- wants to do everything on her own and her favorite saying, "I do it myself!"
- plays really well on her own and is very independent
- will try to swing, hang or climb on anything she can manage
- can hold a solid phone conversation with her Auntie, Gamma and Grandpa now
- reoccurring dreams of "horsies" every night (they are always named, "horsie", pink in colour and say "naaay, nay")
-hair is coming in a little more but we still can't put a clip in it
-keeps mom on her toes, literally
- unbelievably accident prone
- wants to do everything her bigger sister does - gymnastics is a real battle at times as she wants to do everything B's class does
- is POTTY TRAINED-- she did awesome, 25 months was a great age for both girls :)
- currently OBSESSED with Dora
Alivia, you are one fiery, sweet, sweet little girl. You are beautiful inside and out. You love to cuddle my tummy and tell me that it is growing bigger and that you want to see the baby. You will be a great big sister and a perfect little mommy to a real baby soon. Until then, you do a wonderful job taking care of all your stuffed animal and baby dolls-- they are lucky to have you :)
Baby Lee #3
- still nameless-- we are having the hardest time picking one :(
- you sure get a lot of cuddles already - your sisters love you!
- mom and dad are doing U C Baby to prove once again you are a boy
- I think someone needs to pinch your dad because he still can't believe it (hence the U C Baby appointment)
- of course you are coming at an exciting time with house shopping, moving and renos creeping into the next few months
- mom loves to fall asleep and wake up to your kicks and punches
- eager to see how cute you are
- wondering if you will have a dimple in your chin like your sister's and mom have
- mom is measuring almost 2 weeks bigger than her due date and is hoping you won't be TOO big
- you have a new baby boy cousin, Jackson and he is excited to kick it with you and share trucks and train toys while you are little and shoot hoops with you when you get bigger!
- you have another cousin coming just 3 months after you arrive-- not sure on gender yet
- you have become a much easier pregnancy and you NEVER get hiccups! (mom likes that)
We will keep you and everyone posted on a name when the right one comes to us. We hope all is well and we pray that you are growing strong and healthy everyday. We feel so blessed and IF you really are a boy we are excited to shift the girly dynamic in our lives and bring on the colour blue, toy trucks, cars, sports, andcute manly boy stuff!
It won't be long now and I will be trying to squeeze in some posts to update the world on three children regularly. For now these girls of our's keep us busier than ever and the madness will only peak with a newborn!!
- She is turning 4 next month!
- loves preschool
- is loving tidbits gymnastics
- has been very helpful with completely chores
-makes her bed every morning before leaving her room
- will do anything to get a sticker
- sharing has come a long way
- helps her sister go potty all the time
- has made a lot of good friendships through preschool and gymnastics
- is in Primary!
- always raising her hand to volunteer
- loves singing
- gives the sweetest prayers, at home or church
- loves to wear a princess dress
- enjoys her new salon that Auntie Amanda (Troll) bought her for Christmas and is eager to offer "salon check-ups" to anyone who needs one :)
- wants to be a doctor, policeman and a mommy when she grows up
- has been talking about her birthday for months and months and is slowly but surely narrowing down her ideas
Brooklynn, you're growing so fast, I love you bring inquisitive personality. You are so much fun and so full of life and love. You are a wonderful big sister and I think you will do a stellar job at being a helpful mommy when you get another sibling :)
- approaching 2 1/2 faster than ever-- almost as fast as she moves around the house
- busy, busy, busy
- always has a baby tucked under her arm and a never ending supply of makeshift beds and dish clothes as blankets
- is sweeter, tender and more polite than we knew possible and YET so much SASS when she wants to dish it!
- will be a great BIG sister
- tells me she has a baby boy in her belly named, boy
- loves song after song at bedtime now
- wants to do everything on her own and her favorite saying, "I do it myself!"
- plays really well on her own and is very independent
- will try to swing, hang or climb on anything she can manage
- can hold a solid phone conversation with her Auntie, Gamma and Grandpa now
- reoccurring dreams of "horsies" every night (they are always named, "horsie", pink in colour and say "naaay, nay")
-hair is coming in a little more but we still can't put a clip in it
-keeps mom on her toes, literally
- unbelievably accident prone
- wants to do everything her bigger sister does - gymnastics is a real battle at times as she wants to do everything B's class does
- is POTTY TRAINED-- she did awesome, 25 months was a great age for both girls :)
- currently OBSESSED with Dora
Alivia, you are one fiery, sweet, sweet little girl. You are beautiful inside and out. You love to cuddle my tummy and tell me that it is growing bigger and that you want to see the baby. You will be a great big sister and a perfect little mommy to a real baby soon. Until then, you do a wonderful job taking care of all your stuffed animal and baby dolls-- they are lucky to have you :)
Baby Lee #3
- still nameless-- we are having the hardest time picking one :(
- you sure get a lot of cuddles already - your sisters love you!
- mom and dad are doing U C Baby to prove once again you are a boy
- I think someone needs to pinch your dad because he still can't believe it (hence the U C Baby appointment)
- of course you are coming at an exciting time with house shopping, moving and renos creeping into the next few months
- mom loves to fall asleep and wake up to your kicks and punches
- eager to see how cute you are
- wondering if you will have a dimple in your chin like your sister's and mom have
- mom is measuring almost 2 weeks bigger than her due date and is hoping you won't be TOO big
- you have a new baby boy cousin, Jackson and he is excited to kick it with you and share trucks and train toys while you are little and shoot hoops with you when you get bigger!
- you have another cousin coming just 3 months after you arrive-- not sure on gender yet
- you have become a much easier pregnancy and you NEVER get hiccups! (mom likes that)
We will keep you and everyone posted on a name when the right one comes to us. We hope all is well and we pray that you are growing strong and healthy everyday. We feel so blessed and IF you really are a boy we are excited to shift the girly dynamic in our lives and bring on the colour blue, toy trucks, cars, sports, and
Saturday, January 26, 2013
A Family Day With Horses
A good friend of Jason's mentioned a while back that we should bring our girls to his ranch to see their horses. As we spent the morning mulling over ideas for a family activity this beautiful Saturday, I remembered that sweet little offer and so we took off to Springbank.
Both Brooklynn and Alivia were so excited. As soon as we walked over to the corals, and pens Liv saw a minature donkey and was about to jump out of her skin, "I wide (ride) it, I wide it! Hi, baby horsie, hi- I wide it, I wide it!!" We grabbed a big bag of carrots on our way and the girls were going about from horse to horse feeding them carrots and screaming or laughing when their hands got goobered. I have to admit, I was in heaven too. What girl ever loses their love for horses? Not me.









Yes, Jason being a goof- trying to get the horse to eat an apple off the top of his head!
We had such a perfect day, and I am grateful when we can do something fun, meaningful and memorable as a family that doesn't break the bank. It can be hard to find simple yet fun family activities outside the house that cost little or nothing. If anyone has some ideas or would like to share some things you have done please Do tell.
We are excited to go back in the Spring, we might actually get to ride them :)
Both Brooklynn and Alivia were so excited. As soon as we walked over to the corals, and pens Liv saw a minature donkey and was about to jump out of her skin, "I wide (ride) it, I wide it! Hi, baby horsie, hi- I wide it, I wide it!!" We grabbed a big bag of carrots on our way and the girls were going about from horse to horse feeding them carrots and screaming or laughing when their hands got goobered. I have to admit, I was in heaven too. What girl ever loses their love for horses? Not me.









Yes, Jason being a goof- trying to get the horse to eat an apple off the top of his head!
We had such a perfect day, and I am grateful when we can do something fun, meaningful and memorable as a family that doesn't break the bank. It can be hard to find simple yet fun family activities outside the house that cost little or nothing. If anyone has some ideas or would like to share some things you have done please Do tell.
We are excited to go back in the Spring, we might actually get to ride them :)
Sunday, January 20, 2013
2013 THUS FAR….
A great New Years was spent with friends and
yummy food at the Lee’s – seriously a gong show as we played reverse charades
with 20 odd year olds vs. 50 odd year olds… the 50 year oldies can get real crazy!
We took down the real tree (I still have to take down the fake one) and started to organize
ourselves for a last minute cruise we booked for the 5th of January
(we had to go before Jason had a job and I was too far along in this pregnancy)
Our girls started to get a cold that led to
Brooklynn spiking a fever which wounded us up in the children's hospital the night before we
drove to Edmonton to catch our flight. Absolute. Nightmare. I didn't even want to leave after seeing her go through the scariest febrile seizure she's had yet.
We were completely sleep deprived when we sent our kids
off with my amazing sister-in-law, and while we scrambled to finish packing and cleaning before we drove to Edmonton.
The next day we flew out to Miami with a few
stops along the way. Meanwhile my mind is completely racked
with the thought of my kids being sick and the fear that we won't live to return home to them with all the
flights and cruising we’re about to embark on.
Slowly but surely we start to relax, I
think the 30 + prayers that were said in the past 24 hours finally started to
calm or reassure me that things will be okay J
Btw, I had also been sick with a terrible head
cold for about a week and it was deciding to peak on our first day in Miami before
we boarded the boat. I had to try pretty hard to look chipper and healthy when we checked in and boarded to avoid being a quarantined

We left port in Miami mid-afternoon and sailed away toward the Eastern
Caribbean with stops to come in San Juan, Puerto Rico, St Maarten, and St
Kitts. I loved each individually, the world has some beautiful places and people in it.
As a nature nerd I must quickly add that we
saw a dolphin swimming by the ship as we left Miami (super exciting), and we got
to hold the cutest little baby Green Vervets (monkeys)—I was in heaven with these
little guys in my arms! Funny thing, as
soon as the monkey was placed in my arms it immidiately started to pick at my Pandora bracelet
and I freaked out for a second thinking that their monkeys were trained to pick
jewelry. Not quite, he was just curious J




With all the great fun, food, relaxation
and quality time Jason and I spent together it MORE than rejuvenated me. It changed me- I know I came back a better
person and as someone who was more appreciative of the blessings I had to return home to.
I told Jason that our "love fern" is flourishing
after being so nurtured with all the dates on our trip- cheesy, I know—but it’s
true! Even when we’d be searching for our gate at an airport, we’d walk for
10-15 minutes hand in hand, grab a bite maybe and go sit down and chat or just
relax together, that was a DATE! And we had TONS of those before and after
being on a luxurious cruise ship. Then to add in the lovely dinners we shared
together every night, the excursions and all the down time to just be one on
one and relax together was AMAZING! Definitely
worth the 5 ½ years it took for us to take off somewhere nice together.

We missed our little girls like crazy
though, 90% of our conversations consisted of them. We quoted them, thought of them, joked about
them and just missed them ALL the time. You
definitely feel more than ready to come back when it’s all said and done, especially when you long to hug and kiss your babies!
Since we've gotten back I have been trying to
pump these girls full of green smoothies, tons of fruit and well, anything I
can think of to boost our immune systems and kick these nasty flu bugs to the
curb for good. This winter has been
brutal- it’s just one thing after another it seems.
Well, it's late and
I’m still slightly on Eastern time but for the near future I’m looking forward to solidifying my goal list for the New
Year, and to list a few I hope tp potty train Liv (soon), pray for Jason’s job applications to get
some interview “bites”, that the Niners win the Superbowl, and also praying for a happy and healthy baby boy in the Spring! Bring on 2013!!

Friday, November 23, 2012
A Little Belated Halloween Post






Halloween was fun this year and FREEZING. I never grew up having to endure this kinda snow and low temperatures but apparently Jason did and he said it never stopped him... Who are we kidding though? There isn't a lot out there that could stop Jason from satisfying a candy craving or rather the opportunity to haul in like a kid can on Halloween. Our girls did pretty good! At first Liv was determined to open and eat every new candy as soon as it was placed in her bucket. She got the hang of it though. She was scared she might lose it (mom take it away) before she could inhale it. She freaks out (literally squeals and tries to shoo me away) if I come near her when she's trying mooch off of someone for fear that I'll intervene.
We had a real case of the sugar highs throughout October, especially Brooklynn. Between mother's groups, pre-school and trick or treating we needed to find our balance quickly. Brooklynn was getting up in the night, having bad dreams, not able to fall asleep properly etc. I mean I try to regulate it but all that processed crap really does a number on my kids. Anyway, good thing it's once a year because I love to pound back mini chocolate bars as much as the next mom!
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