Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Busy Busy

Well another week flew by and this one is going just as fast. My younger sister Amanda has been visiting for the last 10 days and it has been so nice having her around. We celebrated Canada Day, Stampede, my b-day and many fun adventures in between. I think she likes it here :)

Thanks for the many people who joined us on Saturday. It was nice to see everyone! Many thanks and lots of love to my sweetheart Jason. I got a very pretty watch and some new free weights to start toning up finally. I also an very excited about my new gym membership. The day after my birthday I signed up for a membership at Spa Lady... I am stoked to get in shape and try all the classes they have. My first visit is tonight and I am meeting with a personal trainer to set goals. I will keep you posted on my on going visits/ hopeful success!

Such a cute Cowgirl! You'd think she was from the West not the East... ;) She is so much fun!
And I hope everyone has had a great start to their summer so far and enjoyed the Canada day celebrations and Stampede!!!


Megan C said...

It's so fun to see that you are having such a fun time with your sister!! We had fun at your birthday party . . . too bad there were no growth stories from the master story teller! Have a blast at Spa Lady! It's totally worth every penny!

Emily S said...

Happy late birthday!
haha Thanks for the comments, I think that's really cute by the way how much your husband loves Sham-wow.
I saw those spa-lady people at the stampede, is that where you signed up? I'm sure that will be great! I would love to do that, unfortunately I am too cheap lol.

Kandice Stewart said...

Happy Birthday! I actually met your sister at the Stampede with Jenna -- you girls look a lot alike! Hope you enjoyed it this year... I wish I was in town for more than one day of it, but it was a glorious day nonetheless! Hope your summer is going great -- and I'm excited to hear about your Spa Lady experience!

Emily said...

happy birthday! sounds like fun with your sister! and good for you!!! i totally need to join a gym and start working out...yet i won't. so good for you, i hope you find success with it! :)