The things I'm mainly focusing on are schedules, little tricks for the tough times, when and how to best introduce new things, etc.
One staple in particular that I wish I was more prompt on in the needed times is FROZEN PEAS. Sometimes and especially lately Brooklynn will have random pouty, fussy or even outbreaks of sadness or discomfort. I honestly believe teething is the root of it once they are this age. She has molars coming through and I can only imagine the pressure those ones create. I've often tried to distract her irritable state with books, t.v., sippy cup, toys, even attempted putting her down for an unscheduled nap which only increases her fury most of the time BUT there are moments where I take a step back and a light bulb flicks on and I remember those little treasures in the freezer door. They have worked 90% of the time and they sure worked this morning. You can still see the blotchiness in her face as she was only crying seconds before shoving handfuls in her mouth.
I feel the exact same way about those beautiful peas. They keep Charlotte occupied in her high chair while I'm getting the remainder of her dinner together.
Side note, she looks like your brother, Steven in the last picture, but obviously a cuter, girlier version.
it was great to go to the zoo with you the other day, we'll just have to remember not to chat so much while we're driving :)
Umm I will definitely be trying that!
Brooklynn is adorable! She is getting so big. I see that her hair is coming in nicely too :)! I still yet have to schedule both my kids...haha....summer time is hard for that. Here's hoping for scheduling in the fall!
Cant wait to see her
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